Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekly Recap on Twitter and Life...

Well tommorow I have my family reunion out in what I lovingly call "the sticks". I will see people I haven't seen in ages and the wonderfully repetitive question will be asked, "What have you been doing?" "When are you getting married?" People have a knack for asking questions that are uncomfortable and obtrusive at family gatherings.

My answer will be the truth, "I've been on twitter and blogging about it along with my other passions everyday." I can imagine already the expressions of confusion that will garner to the equivelant expression as if I told them I took up stripping. Having my other job as a full-time caregiver for my grandfather would garner sympathetic looks of pity which I do not want. I am going with the first explaination. Usually if someone does not believe in what your doing they won't argue you with, or comment if your passionate enough in your explaination. I am glad I have been reading Plato and brushing up on my rhetoric. (why, can't they serve alcohol at these things. )

A gay relative I just finished talking to on facebook told me that he refused to come to the reunion because last year his uncle put his hands on him for his pro-Obama stance. Needless to say there isn't many democratics running around on that side of the family. I told him that I would happily ask that same uncle this year about his thoughts on gay marriage in New York. I am telling you there is nothing like potato salad and fireworks to make a reunion more exciting.

As far as Twitter, I look forward to the regular return of Jill Zarin. My favorite New York Housewife has been in London understandably enjoying merry old England! (limited Twittering) Hope you had a pint with some handsome English blokes, our beloved red queen! Also check out my review on Erica Negi's, My Life In Loubies, it is the best piece of fiction that I have read in a long time. It will help you get through the long week until the next episode of, The Real Housewives of NYC. And lastly, if your a fan of Hudson Leick and planning on attending the last Xena convention by Creation Entertainment in 2012, make sure you write to them. Hudson has not been confirmed and your tickets are not-refundable. You can go to the Hudson Leick offical facebook fanpage for all the contact e-mails addresses for Creation Entertainment.

I love you all and will let you know about the fireworks in "stick-ville". Remember "Standing up against hatred is the first step to overcoming it", xoxo - Kimberly

1 comment:

  1. My family stopped the reunion thing many moons ago. The excuse was expense, really it was all about the fights that would ensue because of all the beer that was consumed. Ah family life, tis a strange beast! hugs and smooches :)
