Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Outcry on Casey Anthony Verdict

Not since the OJ Simpson trial has there been such a public outcry of disbelief and anger at Casey Anthony being found not guilty of the death of her daughter Caylee. She was found guilty though on four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement officers. (a proverbial slap on the wrist)

Who believes that Casey Anthony was innocent? On twitter and facebook you would find very few people who are celebrating the verdict but rather are using social media to vent their anger and thoughts on this injustice. Most tweets are outrage but some morbid humor:

Rt; Octomom just hired Casey Anthony to babysit. She showed up with an 8 pack of garbage bags and some duct tape - via twitter

Most of the evidence during the trial was circumstancial, meaning it did not directly connect Casey Anthony to the murder. The prosecution used events and behavior patterns to try to convince the jury that Casey Anthony's behavior implied her guilt in the murder. It was problematic because the prosecution had the burden of proof beyond resonable doubt, not the defendant so whose fault was it?(the prosecution did not have a strong case)

Even though the verdict is a miscarriage of justice for Caylee Anthony lets look at it another way, envision with me tommorow morning in the life of Casey Anthony...

Can you imagine going to the movie theater, grocery store or the local mall? She will always have that nawing on her neck, will always uncomfortably squirm as people look at her. She will or think she knows what they are thinking. Could you imagine her going out to get a job? The world is now her prison as all eyes will continue to be on her. She will never be able to leave this crime behind, did OJ? OJ went to prison on an unrelated charge but I think Casey Anthony will have it worse. If she was in front of you, would you not easily shudder with revulsion at the mere thought she could kill a three year old. People will probably spit on her where ever she goes. Even if she becomes a total recluse, isn't she still going to be in a sort of prison? Her life is over. She may be able to start a life, change her name, move somewhere else. In 15-20 years when her child would of been in college (r.i.p. Caylee Anthony) maybe the public will even forget a little, but crimes like this are never forgotten. Someone will still find her, out her and public hatred will start again. She will never leave this crime behind her.

Casey Anthony may of gotten the worst punishment a self-absorbed, self-centered individual could get, eternal damnation in a world who will always despise her. She will never have a normal life. Nancy Grace is right she will probably become a celebrity, is one sort of now, even probably be taken under the wings of someone like Dr. Drew. But when it is all said and done she will never leave this behind. We will not let you Casey Anthony! R.I.P. Caylee Anthony

1 comment:

  1. I have watch some and stay away more, from this case. My stomach tells me she is guilty or knows what really happened, as well as those idiots she calls parents. Legally, well now that is a different story. Under our law, a person is presumed innocent under the prosecution proves otherwise. That is the crux of this case. The prosecution did not prove "prima facia" which is motive and proof of evidence. So without those, the jury under the laws of juris prudence had no other alternative but to acquit her. If they didn't, they would have in effect been breaking the law. Hence, there really is no "miscarriage" of justice. Under our system of law, justice was carried out. I agree its not right, but the prosecution could and probably should have held off the trial until they could prove their case. There isn't any statue of limitations on capital murder charges, so they could have waited and had a better outcome. The tragedy in this case is little Caylee, my prayers are with her and her alone.

    As for the "celebrity" or being in a sort of prision. No, I believe in 2 years she will be doing exactly what she always has, partying, being a looser. In this would of terroristic journalism, 20 second sound bytes and sensational titles, I don't think she will be forever branded. Do you remember where you were when they announced Osama Ben Laden was dead. I think we are quick to forget in the world now. It moves to fast. Her name will be forgotten faster than ever before. That is a shame. I hope she is haunted by this each day. I hope she lives long and remembers what happened every day. I hope she grows a concience and has over whelming guilt. I Hope little Caylee is at peace. I hope to never see anything like this again, I now I will but I can hope no?
