Friday, July 1, 2011

Kristen Nedopak: Actress, Hostess, Producer and Sci-fi Goddess

I have to tell you that I always found it hard keeping up with my cousin. I needed the newsletter which she sent out to the family. I always had the sketchiest image of her in my head, knowing some notable things. She appeared in a nationally syndicated Swifter Commerical, appeared in "Its Always Sunny in Phildelphia" and starred in a movie called "The Scratch" which was rentable at Blockbuster. (With Blockbuster in its present state of affairs who knows how much longer) I bought a copy from Amazon which one day I will have to get her to sign. I did review the movie under an assumed identity on Amazon, I wanted to give her kudos and props without making it sound like I was doing it because she was family. (Shush! Don't rat me out)

I was always amazed by her drive and passion. She left a comfortable 9-5 job to strike it out in Hollywood. How many people would have the grapefruits for that?(parden the expression) She now does a host of different projects from producing on the internet "Pucker", hosting sci-fi events, tweets about her favorite sci-fi shows and interacts with her fans. It is amazing she still has time to act and keep a witty sense of humor about everything.

I have to say I was a fan before but since being on Twitter and following her I finally feel connected, especially enough to write this blog to pay her tribute. Twitter has opened a window to reiterate what I always knew that she is an amazing person, a wonderful actress and has a lot to offer the acting world. I also learned that she is becoming an avid swordman so the challenge for a duel is still on cousin! If you haven't discovered her yet you can find her on twitter at @nedopak or and we shall journey together to see whatever she shall get into next.


  1. I love Kristen! She is such a sweet funny and busy woman. I work with her on Wheel of Time News and she is THE BEST!

    I have a younger brother who lives out in NYC and produces musicals and acts in many shows. I know how inspiring it can be to have family that you can look up to to push you further. Great post!

  2. Kristen rocks. I've always loved her vibrancy, her friendship and her ability to get things done! She runs circles around everyone else :) You are awesome dear cousin, to be such a great fan and supporter of her. It's always wonderful to have family who has our back.
